Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Salam Ramadhan & Selamat Berpuasa! :)

Heh. Dah puasa ke-5 baru nak wish ke ain? Hee maaf le lama tak update blog sebab sangat-sangat sibuk dengan kerja opis. Balik pun pukul 4.30 bulan puasa ni :D
Ni dah siap kerja baru la update sket gambar untuk Ramadhan.

Macam mana puasa uolls? Hee apa-apa pun moga kita collect pahala banyak-banyak!! InsyaAllah

Selamat berpuasa! 

*Much Lurve*

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Randomness and Wordless~

 Jumaat lepas~

 Sneak a peek~ ;)

 My aunt's- Kenduri tahlil- Sabtu malam 

 cucu si Ali Baba ;)

"Much Lurve~"

Friday, July 13, 2012

my precious at 11 months~

Lagi sebulan my Mizan Armany will turn 1 year old ;)

In his 11 months ni, dia makin manje, dia nak berkepit je dengan mamanye sebab tau akan dtinggalkan dengan nenek sebab mama nak pegi keje. Owhh berat dia dah 10.2 kg!! *kuatkan diri dukung si kecik ni*

Semalam dia berdiri lepas tangan dengan percubaan nak berjalan ke arah mamanya! Waa, mama very proud of u my dear =)

Bile cakap dengan dia, dia dah faham dah. Contoh: "Mizan, where is your ball? Go take your ball" Dia pun merangkak-rangkak pegi kat ball dia, amik and main (baling) then sambung ambil dan baling (main sorang2) =) Waa, mama happy, sejuk perot tengok dia behave main sorang-sorang.. hihii

Tapi tengok selera makan dia makin kurang sebab dia nak main aje! Semalam suapkan dia bubur petang pun tak habis, selalu habis~ 

Enuff for now, nanti akan update lagi =)
Sebelum tu nak tepek momento-momento indah mizan ngan atok sg. buloh dia =)
rajin atok dia layan mizan pagi-pagi. Setiap kali weekend memang masa kitorang 1 family di sini, di teratak indah kat kg merbau sempak =)

Much Lurve & selamat berhujung minggu! 
*rindu mizan armany dah*

 * spotted that lil boy tgh syiokk rendam tangan dlm air* 

* wif atok menemani*

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Mari Amalkan kawan-kawan perempuanku,

moga kita terpelihara selalu

InsyaAllah, Aminn..

Saturday, July 7, 2012

awak wife terbaik. thank you very much.

hi dear,

sorry sy crack account blog awk, just nk say thanks very much for being my wife and mom to mizan armany :) sangat kagum dgn ketabahan awk yg melayan karenah kami yg berbintang bulan 8 ni.. we love you so much..

saya dgn mizan yg tgh tido.

p/s - sorry xde nk poyo2 letak pic edit2 dlm post ni :p wekkk....

Thursday, July 5, 2012

My favourite on house deco! =)

Warna memainkan peranan penting dalam menaikkan seri dan keceriaan rumah kan? :)

Selain warna, susun atur perabot  yang sesuai pun penting. Saya sangat suka dengan kombinasi warna yang sesuai antara warna dinding dan warna perabot juga termasuk dalam kreativiti untuk mencantikkan rumah. (Get it?? Paham tak?) Warna dinding  + warna perabot bergantung kepada kreativiti tuan rumah. ;) Pheww!

Tapi serious bagitahu saya tak kreatif! Huu tapi saya sangat suka google gambar-gambar hiasan rumah yang cantik untuk dapatkan idea camana nak mencantikkan lagi rumah agar bile balik keje hati sejuk je. Bak kata orang, rumah tu kan syurga ;) 

Sebenarnya banyak peringkat lagi nak mencantikkan rumah saya walaupun saya sedar nak buat banyak-banyak tapi tu hanya lah rumah sewa. Takpela, sementara masih duduk kat sana kita buat lah macam rumah kita, yelaa at least tetamu datang kita tak segan, tetamu pun selesa kan? =)

Okeylah, banyak dah merepek di pagi khamis ni, jom cari idea lagi cara untuk hias rumah nak sambut puasa dan raya yang dah tak lama lagi. ^^,

source from elyza (search sendiri)
gabungan warna merah dan biru
sweet! =)

 maroon + cokelat

 dark purple + red maroon

 Hijau Turqoise + Dark cokelat

 Pink & White

 Cantikkan sudut ni? one of my favourite ;)

Sedap mata memandang :)
Selesa sangat!

Untuk rumah saya, first saya perlukan rak kat dinding nak letak frame-frame kesayangan supaya tak dicapai oleh si kesayangan Mizan Armany! Bior tinggi sikit supaya dia tak leh capai dan buat main.. hihii. Justeru itu, sangat-sangat memerlukan jasa baik suami tercinta tolong drillkan dinding tuuu.. huuu

Aaa, kesimpulan yang saya dapat melalui pemerhatian dalam semua gambar kat atas adalah, 


~Semua ada pokok / hiasan hijau.. kan? rumah saya takde, nak cari satu laa.. kat IKEA ;)

Hehehee.. gonna find one, yang sesuai dengan hiasan / warna kat rumah.. supaya tak nampak awkward!

okeyla, happy blogging! :)
Much Lurve!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Wordless Wednesday # July1

 Si aktif ;)

 Tidur dengan lena kesayangan hati~

 Hug Mizan Armany kuat-kuat!!

 Makan bersama meja baru IKEA ;)

Hee tiutt tak? Mizan tengok balik gambar ni dia gelak sendiri ;)

Much, Much Lurve!! =)

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Giveaway : SKII Cellumination Mask In Lotion 30ml

Hai, pagi ni macam biase blogwalking dulu sambil baca-baca updates kawan-kawan, Sekali my dear blogger friend buat giveaway yang hadiah dia sangat best!! So, saje nak cuba nasib kat sini, wish me luck yea!! :)

ohh kalau uolss pun nak join jugak, ni link dia, gi ikut instruction dia cepat-cepat!! 

Actually, saya pun tak pernah jumpe owner blog dia, Lin tapi sangat suka cara dia tulis blog mengenai hidup dan anak dia amani :) and the best part is dia baru jalankan bisnes baru, jual minyak wangi yang original dan barang-barang make up!! tapi belum berkesempatan nak beli lagi. Lin, kalau awak baca ni, saya nak suggest awak tambahkan barang-barang baby atau toddlers! Haritu nak beli rack mickey tapi dah sold out. Boleh awak tambahkan barang-barang tu.. Cute sangat tau tak, ahh kalau nak restock make sure time tu dah gaji okeyy?? :)

Mengenai produk SK II Cellumination Mask in Lotion ni, ai memang teringin nak try sebab produk SK II memang terbukti berkesan disamping dapat buat muka berseri-seri bak kata omputih, "skin glow from within" cewahh!! Elin jual pun murah jugak RM 78 je ;) so, marilah kita cuci mata shopping kat Gorgeous Daily Shop.

Okeylah, have a nice tuesday !!

Much Lurve :)

Monday, July 2, 2012


Everyone should take 5 minutes to read this. It may save your life or a loved one's life. In daylight hours, refresh yourself of these things to do in an emergency situation...This is for you, and for you to share with your wife, your children, & everyone you know. After reading these 9 crucial tips, 
forward them to someone you care about. It never hurts to be careful in this crazy world we live in. 

1. Tip from Tae Kwon Do : 
The elbow is the strongest point
on your body. If you are close enough to use it, do!

2. Learned this from a tourist guide. 
If a robber asks for your wallet and/or purse,
Toss it away from you....
Chances are that he is more interested
in your wallet and/or purse than you,
and he will go for the wallet/purse.

3. If you are ever thrown into the trunk of a car, 
kick out the back tail lights and stick your arm out the hole
and start waving like crazy..
The driver won't see you, but everybody else will.
This has saved lives.

4. Women have a tendency to get into their cars 
after shopping, eating, working, etc., and just sit
(doing their checkbook, or making a list, etc.
The predator will be watching you, and this
is the perfect opportunity for him to get in
on the passenger side, put a gun to your head,
and tell you where to go.

If someone is in the car
with a gun to your head
Instead gun the engine and
speed into anything, wrecking the car.
Your Air Bag will save you.
If the person is in the back seat
they will get the worst of it.
As soon as the car crashes
bail out and run.
It is better than having them find your body
in a remote location.

5. A few notes about getting 
into your car in a parking lot,
or parking garage:
A.) Be aware:
look around you,
look into your car,
at the passenger side floor ,
and in the back seat.
B.) If you are parked next to a big van,
enter your car from the passenger door.
Most serial killers attack their victims
by pulling them into their vans while the women
are attempting to get into their cars.
C.) Look at the car
parked on the driver's side of your vehicle,
and the passenger side.. If a male is sitting alone
in the seat nearest your car, you may want to walk back
into the mall, or work, and get a
guard/policeman to walk you back out.
IT IS ALWAYS BETTER TO BE SAFE THAN SORRY. (And better paranoid than dead.)

6. ALWAYS take the elevator 
instead of the stairs.
Stairwells are horrible places to be alone
and the perfect crime spot.
This is especially true at NIGHT!)

7. If the predator has a gun 
and you are not under his control,
The predator will only hit you (a running target)
4 in 100 times; and even then,
it most likely WILL NOT be a vital organ.
RUN, Preferably in a zig -zag pattern!

8. As women are always trying 
to be sympathetic:
It may get you raped, or killed.
Ted Bundy, the serial killer, was a good-looking,
well educated man, who ALWAYS played
on the sympathies of unsuspecting women.
He walked with a cane, or a limp, and often
asked 'for help' into his vehicle or with his vehicle,
which is when he abducted
his next victim.

9. Another Safety Point:
Someone just told me that her friend heard
a crying baby on her porch the night before last,
and she called the police because it was late
and she thought it was weird.. The police told her
'Whatever you do, DO NOT
open the door..'
The lady then said that it sounded like the baby
had crawled near a window, and she was worried
that it would crawl to the street and get run over.
The policeman said, 'We already have a unit on the way,
whatever you do, DO NOT open the door.'
He told her that they think a serial killer
has a baby's cry recorded and uses it to coax
women out of their homes thinking that someone
dropped off a baby.. He said they have not verified it,
but have had several calls by women saying that
they hear baby's cries outside their doors
when they're home alone at night.
10. Water scam! 
If you wake up in the middle
of the night to hear all your taps outside running or what you think is a burst pipe, DO NOT GO OUT TO INVESTIGATE! These people turn on all your outside taps full blast so that you will go out to investigate and then attack.

Stay alert, keep safe, and look out for your neighbors!

This e-mail should probably be taken seriously because 

the Crying Baby Theory was mentioned on 
America 's Most Wanted when they profiled 
the serial killer in Louisiana 

Everyone should take 5 minutes to read this.It may save your life or 
a loved one's life. 

Taken from here